Kobo annotation extractor

This is a program permitting to extract your Kobo's annotations. You can extract them has html or text.

How to use

Using the exe from build folder or by running the build.bat from your computer:

kobo_extractor_rm.exe path_to_KoboReader.sqlite output_path "full"

"full" is for the maximum column values, if you don't set it it will do the light version

If you don't add any parameter, it will print a message a small helper

Build the exe

You will have to run the build.bat but you need msvc from Visual Studio or by using the https://github.com/Data-Oriented-House/PortableBuildTools (recommended). If you want to use MSVC from Visual Studio, you will need to start from the native cmd or using the shell.bat from this repository, tweak the path from yours inside it.

Output example

HTML output : https://github.com/axeldaguerre/Kobo_annotations_extractor/blob/main/data/exemple.html


It was tested only for Kobo Libra 2. But Any Kobo should works just fine.

In fact if a program is using SQLite as its annotation saving, you will be able to tweak the tool quite easily, you will have to change the column name though (using a tool like DB Browser for Sqlite).

Highly influenced

This is influenced by https://github.com/EpicGamesExt/raddebugger. Currently a significant portion of the code is from this very well written source code.