
Webservices for facebook.

Primary LanguageC#


This is an Epitech project written in c# with .NET Framework. The main goal of the projet is to create Webservices dedicated to have reactions when a user make an action on a existing platform (Like facebook, google, linkedin etc ...). For example if the action is "like a facebook page" the reaction could be "post on my wall i liked a page".

How it Works

First of all you need to edit the AREA/Controller/LoginController.cs file in order to set the ID of your facebook application.

Facebook.FacebookClient fb = new Facebook.FacebookClient();
            var loginUrl = fb.GetLoginUrl(new
                client_id = "<Insert Your application ID>",
                redirect_uri = RedirectUri.AbsoluteUri,
                response_type = "code",
                scope = "email,publish_actions,user_posts,publish_pages,manage_pages,user_likes"
dynamic result = await fb.PostTaskAsync("oauth/access_token",
                client_id = "<Insert your application ID>",
                client_secret = "<Insert your password if the application hasn't been approved by facebook>",
                redirect_uri = RedirectUri.AbsoluteUri,
                code = code


  • You won't be able to compile the project if you miss this step.

Now you can build the project and enjoy !