
A simple, multi-threaded picture resizing tool leveraging ImageMagick


First, install ImageMagick on your computer.

Once you have cloned the repository, initialize a virtualenv and install the dependencies:

python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv #Only if you haven't installed virtualenv yet
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Then edit the first line of picture-resizer.py to match the path where the project is cloned:


Finally, you can either add the file to your PATH or setup an alias in your run commands file (ie. .bashrc, zshrc, etc.)


picture-resizer.py [-h] --output OUTPUT --width WIDTH [--square] files [files ...]

For example, you can resize all JPEGs in a folder (*.jpg) to a 2048px (--width 2048) width while keeping their aspect ratio to the /tmp/export folder (--output /tmp/export):

picture-resizer.py --width 2048 --output /tmp/export *.jpg

Or you can resize them to square with a white background by adding --square:

picture-resizer.py --width 2048 --output /tmp/export --square *.jpg