
A set of scripts and helpers to generate your app's icon in SwiftUI

Primary LanguageSwift


SwiftUIIcon is a set of scripts and helpers for creating your iOS or iPadOS app icon in SwiftUI using shape and path drawing primitives.

Getting Started

Adding this to your project is currently a manual process and requires 3 steps:

  1. Download and expand the latest release zip and drag the Icon folder into the root of your project, copying the files into the project, creating a group and adding the files to your App target.
  2. Un-include the generate.swift and IconGenerator.swift files from your App's target since those are only going to be run from the Run Script build phase and won't compile as part of your app.
  3. Add a Run Script build phase before your Copy Resources phase and specify the path to Icon.swift as the first Input File (probably $(PROJECT_DIR)/$(PRODUCT_NAME)/Icon/Icon.swift):
[[ "$ENABLE_PREVIEWS" = "NO" ]] || exit 0
[[ "$MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAJOR" -ge "101500" ]] || exit 0

TMPFILE=`mktemp /tmp/SwiftUIcon.swift.XXXXXX` || exit 1
trap "rm -f $TMPFILE" EXIT

if [ -z "$SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_0" ]
    echo "error: You must specify your Icon.swift as the first Input File in the Build Phase."
    exit 1

cat ${SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_0%/*}/*.swift > $TMPFILE

xcrun -sdk macosx swift $TMPFILE

Adding Your Icon

You can now edit the contents of the IconStack wrapper helper view inside of Icon.swift. This is essentially a ZStack with a .center alignment that provides a proxy to relatively position elements based on an assumed 1024x1024 canvas size. See Apple's SwiftUI Drawing Tutorial for more info on drawing using SwiftUI.


  • It's a bit of a hack, but Velos is currently using it in a project 👍
  • Installing this is pretty manual. Some currently technical issues prevent making it a Swift Package, but feel free to file an issue if you find a better way!
  • Because the View is rendered at all the individual sizes, anything that has a fixed size will not scale properly. To get around this, you should use the CanvasProxy passed into the function builder of IconStack. Any place where you would normally have a hard-coded value, you should use canvas[value]. You can also scale fonts and other elements manually with the CanvasProxy.scale property. As an example, Text("Testing").font(Font.system(size: 200 * canvas.scale)) should get you a properly scaled Text element.
  • Since the run script essentially concatenates all the Swift files and runs it as a macOS script, any elements you use in your Icon must look the same on both iOS and macOS. So you should probably stay away from actual UI controls 😉


