
Gestión de salas de reuniones de una empresa

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Django Meeting


Install all python packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Database installation

Create the PostgreSQL Database User, with the following command (Password m33t1ng):

sudo -u postgres createuser -sP meeting

Create the PostgreSQL Database called 'bizwi', with the following command:

sudo -u postgres createdb -Ttemplate0 -O meeting -EUTF-8 meeting

Meeting configuration

All extra and confidential configuration (like database params) is in etc/meeting.ini file.

Migrate models

Migrate all django models and meeting models:

./manage.py migrate

Load data fixtures

Load all initial data:

./manage.py loaddata meeting/fixtures/*

Crete a superuser

Create a superuser:

./manage.py createsuperuser

NOTE: The system administrators will be superusers (is_superuser = True). The employees are those users who belong to the staff (is_staff = True)