
a pain logging web app

Primary LanguagePython


This is a small webapp for logging and tracking pain levels in people with chronic pain (or who just want to track their pain). I'm making this as a learning exercise in API design in python.

It's served by a database running on a docker container on my machine. To run this app:

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Activate the virtual python environment by running source ouchcounterpy/bin/activate and run pip install to get all of the dependencies
  3. docker pull postgres to get the PostgreSQL image on your computer
  4. docker run --rm --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=makepasswordhere -d -p 5432:5432 -v $HOME/path/to/persistent/volume:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres
  5. Edit the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI to include your database password and docker IP address.
  6. Run the app and initialize the database by running the following commands in the ouchcounterpy virtual environment:
    1. from app import db
    2. db.create_all()