
Keycloak, OAuth 2, OpenID Connect, 3rd Party Auth, Access Token, ID Token, Realm, Client, User, Attributes, Roles, Groups and Themes

Primary LanguageGo


Files I produced during the Keycloak / OAuth2 / OpenID Connect classes of my Microservices Full Cycle 3.0 course.

Running Keycloak container

docker run -p 8080:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=admin quay.io/keycloak/keycloak

Creating a Realm

Realm is a concept in Keycloak that refers to an object managing a set of users along with their credentials, roles and groups. A Realm works like a tenant. Multiple clients can be interested in accessing users data from a Realm.

Access http://localhost:8080/auth/admin/ on your browser and login with admin/admin.

The Master Realm is used to manage Keycloak itself. We will create a new Realm from it.

Shows the Master Realm screen and the add realm button

Use myrealm as the name and create.

Creating an User

Now, create an user inside myrealm.

Shows how to create the user inputting the username, first name and last name

And set its credentials.

Shows how to set a password for the user

Creating a Client

Create a client for our Go application.

Shows how to create a client that will access that user info

After creating, change the client access type to confidential and save.

Shows how to change the client access type to confidential

Get the client secret and replace in goclient/main.go.

Shows the Credentials tab where you can find the client secret

Shows where to change the client secret in the Go application code

You also need to get the issuer URL from the Realm Settings and replace in goclient/main.go.

Shows the realm settings with the link to the realm endpoints

Shows the issuer link inside the json with the endpoints

Shows where to change the realm issuer URL in the Go application code

Running the client

go mod tidy
go run goclient/main.go

Access http://localhost:8081/ on your browser and login in with the same user you created in the realm.

Shows login callback screen after a successful login

You can go to https://jwt.io to see the access token payload.

Shows the access token payload

As you can see, this step is the authorization step. We can now request the id token as we have access to the openid scope. With the id token, we are authenticated.

Shows the id token

Shows the id token payload