Celebrity Quiz
Feel free to use the sourcecode
A simple Android quiz app that allows a user to select a correct answer to each question (any question can be skipped), given a hint by an image.
Build in Android Studio 3.5.3, Minimum SDK Version 22
Libraries Used
- OkHttp: for sending and receive HTTP-based network requests
- Glide: media management
- Gson: convert Java Objects into their JSON representation and vise versa
How to use the app
First list item
- First nested list item
- Second nested list item
- First nested list item
First screen content allows user to select:
- Level of Difficulty
- For simplicity, all levels have 5 questions, just different
- Choose CountDown time
- Once quiz is started, it will only last for the amount of time selected and the app will automatically show score and solutions
- Level of Difficulty
User may need to update the quiz contents, using Update from Internet button, if there’s an update or start quiz using locally saved content. Download progress is shown.
Press Start Quiz to begin the quiz in new screen. NB: This button may be dependent to the update button
In quiz screen, while watching the time:
- User can select appropriate (or choose not to select) answer until completion.
- At any point user can go to next or previous question
- If user would like to finish or exit, press submit, all un-checked answers are given a score of 0.
In Results screen,
- All questions from selected level are shown
- All corrected answers are marked as green, if user selects wrong answer, it will be marked red
- Score obtained is shown on the right side of screen
- A congratulatory image will be shown once user gets all the answers correct
- User can then go back to First screen to start new quiz, again.