The python API is available at
API setup was developed in Python 3 and hosted under the directory root_folder/maize-api. The API is developed using the Flask Framework to receive HTTPS requests. The simulation utilizes the CNN model completes all the requirements for MA.
After installation of all required packages and modules, obtain and copy the 'contents' of the CNN model titled maize saved in maize-disease-identification/models/ and paste into maize-api/model/.
File structure should resemble or similar:
- maize-api
- model
- assets
- variables
- keras_metadata.pb
- saved_model.pb
- app
- ...
- model
After setup, run
$ python3
which should start up the development server at the following url
Just make sure env exists, otherwise create another one
Go to folder
$ cd folder/folder/maize-api
Activate env
# Mac OS $ source venv/bin/activate # Windows $ venv\Scripts\activate
Install or update package
# specific command # MacOS $ pip install --upgrade package
Update requirements.txt
$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
Deactivate env
# Mac OS $ deactivate # Windows $