
Full-stack booking service with FE and BE on Kubernetes

Primary LanguageHTML

The most common kubectl commands

  • Install kubectl

    curl -LO https://dl.k8s.io/release/curl -LS https://dl.k8s.io/release/stable.txt`/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl

  • Makes the downloaded kubectl file executable

    chmod +x ./kubectl

  • Moves the kubectl file to the /usr/local/bin system directory so that it can be accessed from anywhere on the system.

    sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

  • Check kubectl version

    kubectl version --client

  • Copy kubeconfig file

    cp booking-k8s-kubeconfig.yaml ~ kubectl --kubeconfig=booking-k8s-kubeconfig.yaml get nodes cp booking-k8s-kubeconfig.yaml .kube/ cp booking-k8s-kubeconfig.yaml config

  • Install Helm

    sudo apt install helm

  • Installs a Helm-chart named "my-release" from the specified Docker Hub repository

    helm install my-release oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/postgresql

  • Outputs a list of pods in a Kubernetes cluster

    kubectl get pods

  • Removes the installed Helm-chart named "my-release"

    helm delete my-release

  • Sets port forwarding to access the PostgreSQL service through local port 5432

    kubectl port-forward --namespace default svc/postgresql 5432:5432 &

  • Check the availability of resources

    kubectl describe pod postgresql-0

  • Checks the available nodes in your Kubernetes cluster

    kubectl get nodes

  • Checks for PVC-related errors or warnings

    kubectl describe pvc postgresql-pv-claim

  • More information about the state of the PostgreSQL feed

    kubectl describe pod postgresql-0

  • Get information about all nodes in your Kubernetes cluster

    kubectl get nodes -o wide

  • Getting more detailed information about the status of nodes

    kubectl describe nodes

  • Install PostgreSQL client

    sudo apt install postgresql-client-common

Connecting to PostgreSQL using Port-Forwarding

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to connect to PostgreSQL using port-forwarding. Port-forwarding allows you to access a PostgreSQL database running on a remote server from your local machine.


  1. Open a terminal or command prompt on your local machine.

  2. Set up port-forwarding to forward traffic from a local port to the PostgreSQL database port on the remote server. Use the following command:

    kubectl port-forward --namespace default svc/postgresql 5432:5432 &

  3. Open your PostgreSQL client (e.g., DBeaver) on your local machine.

  4. Configure the PostgreSQL client connection with the following details:

    Host: localhost or Port: 5432 Database: "booking" User: "postgres" Password: "postgres"

  5. Click "Connect" or a similar button to establish the connection to the PostgreSQL database.

  6. You should now be connected to the PostgreSQL database running on the remote server through port-forwarding.

Booking service from scratch


  • Backend: Java 17, Spring 6, Spring Boot 3, Feign
  • Frontend: TypeScript, React, Antd
  • Deployment: Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes
  • Monitoring and logging: ELK, Grafana
  • Queuing: Kafka
  • Data storage: PostgreSQL
  • Authorization: OAuth 2.0 and JWT
  • Users management: OpenLDAP (?)
  • Caching: Redis



  • guest-fe
  • host-fe
  • admin-fe


  • property-service
    • Creating and deleting property
    • Property management
      • Price
      • Availability
      • Description
      • Policy
  • payment-service
    • chargeCard
    • refundTransaction
      • Receive money
  • booking-service
    • Book property
    • Cancel booking and refund
  • search-service
    • Search for property
  • guest-service
    • Book property
    • Payments
  • host-service
    • Manage property
    • Payments
  • admin-service
    • Read-only access to all bookings
    • Initaite refund
  • messaging-service
    • Send messages between guest, host and support
  • mail-service
    • Send E-Mails to guest and host
  • sms-service
    • Send SMS to guest and host


  • Kubernetes
  • Jenkins
  • ELK
  • Grafana
  • Kafka (cluster, 3 nodes)
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis (cluster, 3 nodes)
  • OAuth Server


  • guest
    • name
    • phone
    • email
    • cards
  • host
    • name: string
    • cards
    • properties: ref:property
  • admin
  • property
  • payment
    • transaction
      • payment
      • refund
    • card
      • number
      • validUntil
      • cvv


User Story As I want To do

Как администратор Я хочу доступ на чтение бронирований клиента Чтобы просматривать бронирования и отменять их при необходи


  1. fe-client -> booking-service
  2. BookingRequest - property - dateFrom - dateTo - cardId
  3. booking-service
  • property-service.isAvailable(propertyId)
  • guest-service.getGuest(token.guestId)
  • property-service.setUnavailable(property, dateFrom, dateTo)
  • guest-service.addBooking(property, dateFrom, dateTo, totalPrice, BookingStatus.RESERVED)
  • payment-service.chargeCard(cardId, amount)
  • guest-service.setBookingStatus(booking, BookingStatus.PAID)