
Способы хранения деревьев в БД

Primary LanguageTSQL

Способы хранения деревьев в БД

Примеры запросов:


WITH root AS (SELECT left_key, right_key FROM structure WHERE id = 10) SELECT s.title, e.name, p.name FROM structure s LEFT JOIN structure_employee se ON s.id = se.structure_id JOIN employee e ON se.employee_id = e.id JOIN position p ON p.id = e.position_id WHERE left_key >= (SELECT left_key FROM root) AND right_key <= (SELECT right_key FROM root);


SELECT s.title, e.name, p.position FROM structure s LEFT JOIN structure_employee se ON s.id = se.structure_id JOIN employee e ON se.employee_id = e.id JOIN position p ON p.id = e.position_id WHERE path LIKE '1.2%' ORDER BY path;


WITH RECURSIVE sub_category(id, title, parent_id, level) AS ( SELECT id, title, parent_id, 1 FROM structure WHERE id = 3 UNION ALL SELECT s.id, s.title, s.parent_id, level + 1 FROM structure s, sub_category sc WHERE s.parent_id = sc.id
) SELECT sc.id, sc.title, sc.parent_id, sc.level, e.name, p.position FROM sub_category sc LEFT JOIN structure_employee se ON sc.id = se.structure_id JOIN employee e ON se.employee_id = e.id JOIN position p ON p.id = e.position_id;


SELECT s.title, c.parent_id, c.child_id, level, e.name, p.position FROM closure c LEFT JOIN structure s ON s.id = c.parent_id LEFT JOIN structure_employee se ON s.id = se.structure_id JOIN employee e ON se.employee_id = e.id JOIN position p ON p.id = e.position_id WHERE child_id = 4 ORDER BY level;