
Replicate console messages to a floating window.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Because we need the console to dev but it's not available everywhere

Stupid Console


Insert stupid-console scripts before any others in the <head> section.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/stupidconsole/dist/stupid-console.min.css">
<script  src="https://unpkg.com/stupidconsole/dist/stupid-console.min.js"></script>

All console outputs will then be replicated in a floating window.

There's also a console input.

Download ZIP

Download with NPM npm install stupidconsole



Allow you to build custom debug window easily

var gui = new StupidConsole.Gui('myGui');

gui.addButton("yo", function() {

gui.addInputText("type some text", "my content", function(newText, event) {
   console.log("text changed to " + newText);

gui.addCheckbox("uncheck this box", true, function(checked) {
    console.log("checkbox " + checked);

gui.addButton("hey", function() {

gui.addSelect("select one value", ["Value1", "Value2", "Value3"], function(index) {
    console.log("select changed " + index);