Password Checking Service

This Flask-based application provides a service to check passwords against the "Have I Been Pwned" database to determine if they have been exposed in data breaches.

Getting Started


  • Python 3.8+
  • pip
  • Flask[async]


First, clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone
cd password-checking-service

Install the necessary Python packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install "Flask[async]"

Prepare the Storage

Before running the application, you must prepare the storage. This project uses a script located in the devops_cli directory to accomplish this.

Activate your virtual environment:

source venv/Scripts/activate # Or an equivalent command based on your OS

Run the update_storage script with the following command, specifying the storage location and other optional parameters:

py -m devops_cli.update_storage "/path/to/storage" -c 64 -f "/home/user/pwnedpasswords.txt"

In this example, storage resources will be located in /path/to/storage, and the /home/user/pwnedpasswords.txt file will be used to build the storage from 64 coroutines. The file must contain pwned password hashes sorted by prefix (as the official HIBP downloader one-file download result)

For more detailed instructions, refer to the README in the devops_cli directory.

Update Storage in Runtime

To update the storage while the application is running, simply execute the update_storage script again with your desired parameters. This allows the application to refresh its data without needing to restart.

Running the Application

To start the application, run the following command from the root directory of the project:


It is recommended to use another WCGI server in production (for instance, Gunicorn):

gunicorn 'app:create_app()'

Make sure to adjust paths and commands as necessary for your specific project setup.


For backup purposes it is enough to save the resource_dir folder.