About Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity is a virtual world filled with cute, formidable creatures known as Axies. Axies can be battled, bred, collected, and even used to earn resources & collectibles that can be traded on an open marketplace. Axie was designed to introduce the world to an exciting new technology called Blockchain, through a fun, nostalgic, & charming game.

The Challenge Begins

Guide our Axie to escape

One of our adorable Mystic Axies is trapped inside a maze, and we must guide it to escape by reaching the escape point. Unfortunately, the point is hidden behind several gates, which can only be opened by keys of the same colors.

So, in short: Grab key(s) --> Open gate(s) --> Escape!

Important: A key can only be used once to open a Gate with the same color.

Using the given source code (in Unity), make a pathfinding algorithm to help our Axie get out of the maze.


Some maze samples are illustrated in pictures below:

  • Axie's current positions are shown as its Axie figure images.
  • Escape points are shown as the Gray squares.
  • Keys and Gates are shown as Key images and Thick lines.

Sample map

To control the Axie

Once per loop (0.25 second) , Axie can only perform at most one move action, which is one of functions below:

  this.moveAxie(-1, 0);
  this.moveAxie(1, 0);
  this.moveAxie(0, -1);
  this.moveAxie(0, 1);

If our Axie steps on any key or gate, it automatically grabs or unlocks (if it has a valid key). The simulation continues until our Axie reaches the escape point (Gray square).

Note: Axie can only move in four directions (-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1) and (0, 1). Do not attempt to use other inputs, or our Axie may stumble somewhere 😔


Open file GameMazeManager.cs located in Assets/Scripts/GameMaze/GameMazeManager.cs. Implement your move algorithm in the function onSimulateTurn().

    //***************YOUR CODE HERE**************************/
    void OnSimulateTurn()
        //TODO: Discard randomness, make smart moves to reach the goal
        var floorMap = this.mazeState.floors[this.mazeState.currentFloorIdx];
        Vector2Int targetPos = Vector2Int.zero;
        for (int y = 0; y < MazeState.MAP_SIZE; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < MazeState.MAP_SIZE; x++)
                int roomVal = this.mazeState.GetRoomValue(x, y);
                if (roomVal == MazeState.MAP_CODE_END)
                    targetPos = new Vector2Int(x, y); 
        Debug.Log($"curPos: {mazeState.axie.mapX},{mazeState.axie.mapY} targetPos: {targetPos.x},{targetPos.y} Item remain: {floorMap.itemStates.Count}");
        int ranVal = Random.Range(0, 4);
        if (ranVal == 0 && mazeState.TestMove(-1, 0) == MoveResult.Valid)
            this.MoveAxie(-1, 0);
        else if (ranVal == 1 && mazeState.TestMove(1, 0) == MoveResult.Valid)
            this.MoveAxie(1, 0);
        else if (ranVal == 2 && mazeState.TestMove(0, -1) == MoveResult.Valid)
            this.MoveAxie(0, -1);
        else if (ranVal == 3 && mazeState.TestMove(0, 1) == MoveResult.Valid)
            this.MoveAxie(0, 1);


  • Our Axie should only be moved using provided functions with valid parameters.
  • Your code must be able to solve mazes beyond the sample ones.
  • You are allowed to create new files or functions, but ensure that you do not edit any existing files (except the allowed function).


  • Create your own git repository, so we can see your work process.


This test is designed for 5 - 10 hours of coding. We know you might be busy with your current work, the maximum deadline is 7 days after you received this test.

Good luck!