Axie Infinity IP - Tool Kit 2D

New update

  • Starter: Xia, Bing, Noir, Rouge
  • Axie NFT lv 2


The shared feature of all Axies to distinguish them from other creatures is that they always have 6 fixed parts on their body: eyes, mouth, horns, ears, back and tail. These body parts' looks are often very random. Based on biological characteristics, the Axies are divided into 6 main races including: Beast, Aquatic, Plant, Bird, Bug , Reptile

Starter axies

Starter axie is mascot with fixed genes and can't breed. We recommend to used this characters if gameplay not depend on axie parts Starter axies

NFT axies

Axie Generator Tool Kit 2D is a tool provided by Sky Mavis, which transform the data of Axie's binary gene data decoder into body information, parts, colors, ..

  • For Usage please follow this repo mixer-unity from github Axie Generator Tool Kit 2D Axie LV2


Like the Axies, the Chimeras also have many characteristics that are a combination of many creatures, however, they can not be divided into specific classes like the Axies. Compared to the Axies, the Chimera's appearance seems more chaotic and not following any rules. Chimera


Axie part cards

Skill cards from axie battle v2 (classic). Game used mouth, horns, back and tail to design skills. We have 6 axie classes, each class have 4 parts, each part have 6 variants (except mouth only have 4). Axie part cards

Land items

Common materials and items that can be used for many kind of games. Land items

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Spine Runtime Library version should be used?

  • All spine assets used (spine-unity 3.8 2021-11-10). You need to download it manualy, and put it on Plugins folder.
  • In unity 2020 or above, spine import may not compatibility (It require export correct spine version is 3.8.79). You can solve it by import data in unity 2019 project then copy generated assets to your project.

Why generated axie be wrong color?

  • Please set color space to Gamma

How to solve error The type or namespace name 'Newtonsoft' could be not found?

  • Sometimes the project has imported another version of Newtonsoft and will be conflicted. You can solve it by open Packages/manifest.json then edit version of "com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json": "2.0.0", to 2.0.2 or 3.0.2