A model learned with Pytorch can be loaded by outputting it to ONNX format using torch.onnx.export, then using the included script tools/onnx/onnx2prototxt.py to convert it to a "prototxt" format that then can be loaded into AILIA.
Export from Pytorch to ONNX
torch.onnx.export(vgg16, x, 'vgg16_pytorch.onnx', verbose=True, opset_version=10)
Creation of the "prototxt" file
python3 onnx2prototxt.py vgg16.onnx
GitHub Wiki - Pytorch-Workaround
A model learned with Keras can be loaded by outputting it to ONNX format using keras2onnx, then using the included script tools/onnx/onnx2prototxt.py to convert it to a "prototxt" file that then can be loaded into AILIA.
Installation of keras2onnx
pip3 install onnx
pip3 install keras2onnx
Exporting from Keras to ONNX
onnx_model = keras2onnx.convert_keras(model, model.name, target_opset=10)
temp_model_file = 'vgg16.onnx'
onnx.save_model(onnx_model, temp_model_file)
Creation of the prototxt file
python3 onnx2prototxt.py vgg16.onnx
A model learned with Chainer can be loaded by outputting it to ONNX format using onnx-chainer, then using the included script tools/onnx/onnx2prototxt.py to convert it to a "prototxt" file that then can be loaded into AILIA.
Installation of onnx-chainer
pip3 install onnx
pip3 install onnx-chainer
Exporting from Chainer to ONNX
onnx_chainer.export(model, x, filename='vgg16.onnx', opset_version=10)
Creation of the prototxt file
python3 onnx2prototxt.py vgg16.onnx
A model learned with Tensorflow can be loaded by outputting it to ONNX format using tf2onnx, then using the included script tools/onnx/onnx2prototxt.py to convert it to a "prototxt" file that then can be loaded into AILIA.
Installation of tf2onnx
pip3 install tf2onnx
Exporting from Tensorflow to ONNX
import tf2onnx
frozen_graph_def =
graph1 = tf.Graph()
with graph1.as_default():
onnx_graph = tf2onnx.tfonnx.process_tf_graph(graph1, input_names=["import/block1_conv1/kernel:0"], output_names=["import/vgg16/predictions/Softmax:0"],opset=10)
model_proto = onnx_graph.make_model("vgg16")
with open("vgg16.onnx", "wb") as f:
Creation of the prototxt file
python3 onnx2prototxt.py vgg16.onnx