
An interactive timeline comparing Watergate to the Trump-Russia investigations

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The Axios Graphics Kit

This project was created with generator-axios, Axios' yeoman generator for making static interactive graphics that can be embedded in our news stream. This documentation will help you work with the graphics rig to make awesome internet things.

Note — You may also want to look at the documentation for the generator for some additional understanding of what each of the files in this project does and how they all work together.


Most of this configuration should be accomplished already if you set up this project with yo axios. If you want to understand more of what's happening, here's some information.

The primary place to configure your project is project.config.js in the root directory. This is where you define where on S3 your project will live (this is important for how the rig handles static URLs when building for production). There is also some configuration stuff that happens in /gulp/config.js so if you're changing the names of folders or putting things where the rig doesn't expect them to be, that might be where you can fix that problem.

Step 1) Google Drive

Setting your Credentials

  • Log in to https://console.developers.google.com/, you should see a project called "Visuals Rig Copyflow" (If not, ask the devs to set you up with access)
  • Make sure you are in the "API Manager" section. Click Credentials. Under OAuth 2.0 client IDs, download Axios Visuals Rig Copyflow Keys.
  • mv [DOWNLOADED FILE] ~/.axios_kit_google_client_secrets.json
  • The first time you run gulp fetch-data or gulp gdrive:fetch, you will be prompted to visit a URL and copy/paste an access token.

Adding files

Adding a new Google Drive file is easy with gulp gdrive:add. Just run the command and it will walk you through a series of prompts and will save your responses in the right place in project.config.json. You can pick between a document parsed with ArchieML and a spreadsheet parsed either as a table or as a key-value store.

Updating Data

Running gulp fetch-data or gulp gdrive:fetch will pull Google Drive sheets stored in your project config.

Step 2) S3

Setting your Credentials

To publish to S3 you'll need to create a default profile in your ~/.aws/credentials file. You will need to have the aws command line tools installed to do this (pip install awscli). To set up your credentials, simply run:

$ aws configure --profile default
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]: text

Publishing to S3

Once you've configured your AWS credentials, you can publish using the command

gulp publish


Main Gulp Tasks

gulp and gulp build

Creates your project. You can run gulp to generate the version of your project to put on S3.

gulp serve

Sets up a local server run out of .tmp. Watches your Sass, Handlebars and Javascript files and updates live in the browser.

gulp watch

Like gulp serve, but without setting up a server for you to look at you project.

gulp publish

If you've set up your AWS credentials correctly and have the proper s3 configuration in project.config.js then this command will automatically run the production build script and deploy the s3 folder you specified.

Under the Hood

There are seven main Gulp tasks that handle various aspects of processing static assets. Each behaves slightly differently when the NODE_ENV is set to 'production'. The rig expects certain files to be in certain places — look in gulp/config.js to see which paths Gulp uses to find your static files.

gulp clean

Cleans .tmp and dist in preparation for future scripts.

gulp styles

Processes each Sass file in src/sass/*.scss.

gulp templates

Processes each Handlebars file in src/templates/*.hbs.

gulp scripts and gulp scripts:watch

Processes src/scripts/app.js with Browserify.

Note: When run in development mode, Browserify is configured to run with inline sourcemaps, greatly increasing the size of the generated bundle. In production, the sourcemap is external and will not be downloaded by default.

gulp images

Copies files from src/img.

gulp cachebust

Rewrite URLs in dist/**/*.html to add timestamps for cachebusting.




Accepts no parameters, returns undefined. Necessary to call before attempting to record user interactions.


trackEvent(action, label (optional), value (optional))

Accepts three parameters and returns undefined. To be placed inside an event listener.

  • action: a string describing the event, e.g. scroll, tap, or graphic-visible
  • label: an optional string describing the event, e.g. clicked-dropdown
  • value: an option integer describing the event. useful for tracking time, e.g. 200