- 0
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/mdv-1.7.5-py3.11.egg/mdv/b16'
#113 opened by mnm-sys - 1
The tests are broken in the main branch
#111 opened by Felixoid - 1
The `code` does not reset bold font after its end
#112 opened by Felixoid - 2
Monitor into pager
#62 opened by YodaEmbedding - 4
- 8
NameError: name 'unichr' is not defined
#69 opened by ryan-gi - 0
"mailto" tags doesn't work
#64 opened by bonqus - 16
Code blocks not printing properly
#66 opened by reynoldscem - 3
New releases
#67 opened by Felixoid - 1
Find style
#68 opened by a-phe-lei-a - 0
request a new release
#109 opened by chenrui333 - 2
- 3
not compatible with Markdown-3.4.1
#105 opened by jonashrem - 4
- 13
Does not support Python 3.9
#86 opened by fxcoudert - 0
section missing in rendering
#104 opened by nkh - 4
- 0
Error when `mdv`
#101 opened by michael135 - 0
(1) Line endings not being recognised & (2) Text formatting in tables being ignored
#100 opened by Whyglobaleyes - 3
HTMLParser.unescape in python 3.9
#97 opened by TheNonexistent - 0
- 0
Readme: How to change the theme?
#96 opened by lamyergeier - 2
monitor mode is may be broken
#93 opened by derVedro - 0
- 2
is the project dead?
#84 opened by Sispheor - 0
- 1
- 2
Read from stdin
#82 opened by hXtreme - 2
code blocks not showing in the gnome terminal
#83 opened by faridcher - 1
Empty line after heading?
#70 opened by makkus - 0
break and paragraph are not well rendered
#81 opened by pascalandy - 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
mintty black on black
#74 opened by robertmarkbram - 3
Command not found: mdv
#72 opened by jrwrigh - 0
- 2
True color support
#49 opened by XVilka - 1
- 1
Does not render correctly on OSX (xterm-256color)
#63 opened by vrthra - 5
'unichr' still in pip package
#55 opened by kBite - 0
implement option -l
#59 opened by davidavdav - 0
Improvement of Table rendering
#58 opened by E3V3A - 0
- 0
- 0
Redundant empty line finishes every code block
#53 opened by slavniyteo - 3
Code block highlight becomes broken if code block contains ${variable} and symbol '<'
#52 opened by slavniyteo - 1
Output of `--help` hard to read leading hyphens on options when on black background
#48 opened by binkley - 3
- 1