
Riot mixin and helpers for declarative and reactive developing.

MIT LicenseMIT


Riot mixin and helpers for declarative and reactive developing.

  • Named property triggered .set, .change events when set value
  • Can use setter, getter, checker handlers
  • Can be set handler on value change
  • Isomorphic - work in tags and any observable objects
  • ...



  <p>Seconds Elapsed: { time }</p>

  this.property('time', opts.start || 0, this.update)

  tick() {
    this.time++ // Auto call update() when this.time changed

  var timer = setInterval(this.tick, 1000)

  this.on('unmount', function() {



Creating property in riot tag

  this.property(name, [value], [onchange | options])

Creating property in observable object

  riot.property(observer, name, [ value ], [ onchange | options ])

Creating properties

  // in riot tag
  this.properties(values, [ onchange | options ])

  // in observable object
  riot.properties(observer, values, [ onchange | options])
  • name - property name
  • value - property initialisation whith this value
  • onchange - callback function called when property value change
  • observer - riot observable object
  • values - properties name and value and the keys and values that are kept in object
  • options - object with optional keys setter, getter, checker, onchange, onset


Initialisation of mixin


Creating property by name and optional init value

  this.property('time', 0)

Listening property events {property_name}.{event_type}

  this.on('time.set', function (value) {...})
  this.on('time.change', function (value) {...})
  this.on('time.check', function (value) {...})

Listening events of all properties object *.{event_type}

  this.on('*.set', function (name, value) {...})
  this.on('*.change', function (name, value) {...})
  this.on('*.check', function (name, value) {...})

Creating many properties

    data: {},
    time: Date.now(),
    counter: 0

Setting options of property

  this.property('time', 0, {
    setter: function (value) { return value / 1000 },
    getter: function (value) { return value * 1000 },
    checker: function (value) { return value < 0 },
    // callbacks
    onchange: function () { this.update() },
    onset: function () { this.save() },

Setting property to observable object by riot.property

function Store() {
  if (!(this instanceof Store)) return new Store()

  riot.property(this, 'data', [])

  this.on('data.set', function(data) {

var store = new Store()
store.data = [1,2,3] // trigger data.set event

Preventing auto trigger event onchange when property changed

  this.preventOnchange = true
  // onchange callback not run
  this.preventOnchange = false

MIT License

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