Highlight/unhighlight cursor position by any criteria.
How to use it? Some usage examples:
This plugin adds a function: highlight cursor position
Highlight will be cleared after timeout, or "CursorMoved" event
:FindCursor <hexColor> <timeoutMs>
:call findcursor#FindCursor(<hexColor>, <timeoutMs>)
[required] -
color in hex format, or 0
- use CursorLine
and CursorColumn
[optional, default = 0] -
after this timeout highlight will be hidden.
- wait for "CursorMoved".
Several examples
- Run "FindCursor" from command line
:FindCursor #CC0000 500
- Map "FindCursor"
nnoremap <leader>f <CMD>FindCursor #CC0000 500<CR>
noremap % %<CMD>FindCursor 0 500<CR>
- Run "FindCursor" with other action (complex example)
" Using with 'neoclide/coc.nvim':
" 'jumpDefinition' runs asynchronously, so run 'FindCursor' after 100ms timeout
function! JumpDefinitionFindCursor() abort
call CocAction("jumpDefinition")
call timer_start(100, {id -> findcursor#FindCursor('#D6D8FA', 0)})
nnoremap <silent> gd <CMD>call JumpDefinitionFindCursor()<CR>
- Run "FindCursor" with other action (complex example 2)
" Using with plugins 'junegunn/vim-slash' and 'henrik/vim-indexed-search'
noremap <silent> <plug>(slash-after) <CMD>execute("FindCursor #d6d8fa 0<bar>ShowSearchIndex")<CR>
A function to run before "FindCursor". Use for disable some other highlights if there are conflicts.
function! FindCursorHookPre() abort
FootprintsDisable " 'axlebedev/footprints' plugin
IlluminationDisable " 'RRethy/vim-illuminate' plugin
let g:FindCursorPre = function('FindCursorHookPre')
Opposite to g:FindCursorPre
: a function to run after "FindCursor" is cleared.
" Lambda function is OK too
let g:FindCursorPost = {-> execute('FootprintsEnable | IlluminationEnable')}
If you find a bug, or have an improvement suggestion - please place an issue in this repository.
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