
Commandline utility to upload files to a webdav server such as Nextcloud

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Go Report Card

A simple utility written in Go to upload files to a WebDAV server such as Nextcloud.

Usage options

Usage: upload2dav [options] <file(s)>

  -d, --dir string     Alternative upload directory
  -c, --conf string    Specify config file (default "~/.config/upload2dav.json")
  -w, --write-config   Write config
  -q, --quiet          Quiet (do not show upload progress)
  -v, --version        Show version
  -u, --update         Update to latest version
  -h, --help           Show help


You can use of the pre-built binaries (see releases).

If you prefer to build it from source go install github.com/axllent/upload2dav

Configuration notes

When adding the WebDAV server, please ensure you include the WebDAV path (eg: https://example.com/remote.php/webdav/).