SocialFrameworkPlugin for Cordova / PhoneGap & iOS 6 Coded by Clay Ewing ( This is a really simple plugin to just push the new share activity in iOS6 out. Anyone that wants to add to this, please feel free and keep me in the loop! INSTALLATION: 1. Copy SocialFrameworkPlugin.m and SocialFrameworkPlugin.h to your plugin directory 2. Copy social.js to your www directory 3. Add the Social and Accounts frameworks to your project under Build Settings 4. Take a look at index.html for full use, but basically calling it is really straight forward: shareSuccessCallback, shareErrorCallback, textToYouWantToPushToShareActivity ); NOTES: I have noticed in PhoneGap with the iPhone 5 simulator that the icon for Messages doesn't exist. If you want to modify what services show up, modify the line 33 in SocialFrameworkPlugin.m: activityController.excludedActivityTypes = @[UIActivityTypePostToWeibo, UIActivityTypeAssignToContact, UIActivityTypeCopyToPasteboard]; A full list can be found at