

Our system processes a large number of market interactions per second. We would like you to build a market trade processor which consumes trade messages via an endpoint, processes those messages in some way, and delivers a front-end of processed information based on the consumed messages.

The aim of this project is to showcase a potential implementation of the above requirements. Given that the description is rather short, I've made a few assumptions of what is required.

There are three components:

  • Api to accept new data
  • Processing
  • Front end

Implementation notes

Rest API

Expose an endpoint that can consume trade messages. Trade messages will be POSTed (during review) to this endpoint and will take the JSON form of:

    "userId": "134256",
    "currencyFrom": "EUR",
    "currencyTo": "GBP",
    "amountSell": 1000,
    "amountBuy": 747.10,
    "rate": 0.7471,
    "timePlaced": "24-JAN-22 10:27:44",
    "originatingCountry": "FR"

Message Processing

Process messages received via the message consumption endpoint. Depending on what you wish to do, these messages can be processed in different ways.

Front end

Render the data from the output of the other two components. Like a list of message, graphs based on processed data or a map with real-time visualizations.


This section contains tools/processes that could be set up in a real environment:


  • Automated pipeline to deploy infra
  • Observability
  • Improve build


  • Auth