
This is a hackathon entry for Snapchat's Snap Spotlight Lensathon

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a hackathon entry for Snapchat's Snap Spotlight Lensathon using Snapchat's official application, Lens Studio

Project Purpose

The idea is to create a filter that educates and normalizes the concept of a prosthetic hand through Snapchat's filters that overlays the user's own hand with that of a prosthetic

Project Clarifications and Fair Use

The base material for hand-tracking technology was iterated through the use of a Lens Studio provided template. All textures used are based on the open source or approved for use by author

Progression Snapshots

Deciding on a project idea, I had to familiarize myself with Lens Studio, the provided Snapchat Software to customize filters. Incorporating a template, I dissected the elemts into their components, udnerstanding the conjunction of models, materials, and tracking.

The intial curve was defining an established material to be laid on my prosthetic hand.


Having decided on a pleasing texutre, I mnoved on and found the free-use tool, Blender, to model my subject hand. Crossreferencing photos proved useful, but I attempted to mold a shape to a hand traced to my likeness.


However, lining my model up with little blender experience resulted in a few errors. The best method of approach was tracing the provided template and modifiying it to match the skeleton.


With some research, I was able to attach my model to that of the template's armature and succesfully applied the left hand model. However, modelling it over to the rigt hand proved more cumbersone and is still being progressed.

plot plot

And finally, success with weight painting!
