- Converts texts based on custom transliteration rulesets;
- Supports conditional conversion based on the environment of a character.
Installation: npm i glyphmap
import {transform} from 'glyphmap';
let {output} = transform('<text>', config);
npx glyphmap <text> -c <config_location> [-o <output_path>]
npx glyphmap -i <input_path> -c <config_location> [-o <output_path>]
is either a file path or a URL.
npx glyphmap "привет" -c https://raw.githubusercontent.com/axtk/translit/master/configs/ru.json
> privet
Note that this package doesn't bring along specific rulesets. The URL in the example above is an external ruleset.
The following examples show parts of JSON configs with comments added here for simplicity which shouldn't be included in .json
files (since comments are disallowed by the JSON format).
Example 1
"map": [
// Maps "и" to "i"
"key": "и",
"to": "i",
"key": "я",
"to": "ja",
Example 2
"def": {
"consonant": [
"б", "в", "г", "д", "ж", "з", "й", "к", "л", "м", "н",
"п", "р", "с", "т", "ф", "х", "ц", "ч", "ш", "щ"
"map": [
"key": "я",
// Matches "я" in "жя", "чя", "шя", or "йя".
"from": [["ж", "ч", "ш", "й"], "я"],
// `~` leaves the character ["ж", "ч", "ш", "й"] unchanged with
// this particular rule, while "я" is mapped to "a".
"to": ["~", "a"]
"key": "я",
// Matches "я" in "<consonant>я". `'#consonant'` refers to the
// `consonant` entry of the config's `def` above, which simplifies
// the reuse of character groups. Note that some consonants have
// already been handled by the rule above, so this rule will not
// be applied for those consonants allowing for cascadable rules
// (the order of the rules matters).
"from": ["#consonant", "я"],
"to": ["~", "ia"]
// Disregards the listed characters when the environment of the input
// characters is figured out. (In this example, it's the acute accent
// used as a stress mark.)
"ignore": ["\u0301"]
Example 3
"def": {
"vowel": [
"а", "е", "ё", "и", "о", "у", "ы", "э", "ю", "я"
"map": [
"key": "и",
// `NOT` negates the following character group.
"from": ["и", "й", "NOT #vowel"],
"to": ["í", "", "~"]
"key": "и",
// `OTHER` excludes the current `key` from the following group.
"from": ["OTHER #vowel", "и"],
"to": ["~", "í"]