
A collection of snippets to speed up development when using Xcode.

MIT LicenseMIT

Xcode Snippets

A collection of snippets to speed up development when using Xcode.

Installation Instructions

Copy snippet files into ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/CodeSnippets/

Whenever files are added or removed from this folder, we need to restart Xcode for them to take effect.


A little known feature of Xcode is the "Code Snippet Library" that allows you to reuse small chunks of code. As well as the built-in snippets, you can also create your own by dragging a highlighted code block into the library.

Xcode Code Snippet Library User Interface Pane

These snippets can also contain placeholders that can be tabbed through and filled in when used, as shown below:

Private lazy variable example


Code snippets are used by either dragging the snippet out of the Snippet Library, or using code completion when typing in the Xcode editor.


Creating a delegate protocol:

Typing dele into Xcode text editor Resulting code snippet inserted with placeholders

Conform to UITableViewDataSource in an extension:

UITableViewDataSource methods in extension