
Vivid is a minimal Vim plugin manager; designed to work with, not against Vim.

Primary LanguageVim scriptMIT LicenseMIT


Vivid is a minimal Vim plugin manager; designed to work with, not against Vim.

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About Vivid

Vivid is a Vim plugin manager, built to be minimal, fast and efficient. Vivid provides Vim users with simple, but powerful tools, which allow them to fine tune exactly when their plugins should be enabled.

Vivid focuses on being as minimal as possible, while still getting the job done, because of this some features (e.g. parallel install/update of plugins) are outside the scope of the project.

Vivid Updating Plugins

Quick Start

See the Vivid wiki for more information, examples and the FAQ. For convenience the titles of each section below contain links to the relevant wiki sections.


Vivid requires that the Git VCS is installed on your system, and Vim (8.0+) or Neovim.

NOTE: Vivid only works with Git managed plugins. If you must have support for other VCSs and archives feel free to create an extension to add these features to Vivid.

Install Vivid

To install Vivid on Vim run this command in a terminal emulator:

git clone https://github.com/axvr/vivid.vim ~/.vim/pack/vivid/opt/Vivid.vim

Then to enable Vivid place packadd Vivid.vim in your Vim config (before any plugin definitions). It's that easy no other boilerplate code is required.

NOTE: For Microsoft Windows you may have to modify the packpath option so that Vim can find Vivid. See :h 'packpath'.

Using Vivid

By default Vivid will not enable any plugins, this is because of it's heavy focus on lazy loading. However this behaviour can be reversed by including PluginEnable after adding all of the plugins to Vivid, but this is discouraged.

NOTE: When using Vivid, avoid using the packloadall or packadd commands on any plugin that is being managed. The exception is the packadd Vivid.vim before any plugin config.

Adding Plugins

To add plugins for Vivid to manage, use the Plugin command (or vivid#add function). Vivid provides options which can be set when adding plugins. For info on how to use these options refer to the "Plugin Options" section of the Wiki.

packadd Vivid.vim  " Required

" Examples of adding plugins to Vivid
Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive'                     " Simplified GitHub address
Plugin 'https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive'  " Using full remote address to plugin
Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive', { 'enabled': 1 }   " Add and enable plugin by default

Installing Plugins

Usually you will never have to manually tell Vivid to install a plugin, because whenever a plugin is enabled, Vivid will automatically install it, if not already installed.

If you really want to manually make Vivid install a plugin(s) you can use the PluginInstall command (or vivid#install function).

" To install only the vim-fugitive and committia plugins
:PluginInstall vim-fugitive committia.vim

" To install all plugins

Updating Plugins

Plugins can be updated by Vivid. This is done by using the PluginUpdate command (or the vivid#update function).

" Update only specified plugins
:PluginUpdate vim-fugitive committia.vim

" Update all plugins

Enabling Plugins

Obviously Vivid (with its lazy loading defaults), would have to provide a way for the user to enable their plugins. A simple interface is provided for this, as the PluginEnable command (and vivid#enable function).

For additional information on enabling plugins (and extra examples), check out the "Enabling Plugins" section of the Vivid wiki.

" Enable specified plugins: vim-fugitive and committia
:PluginEnable vim-fugitive committia.vim

" Enable all plugins (Not recommended)

This is an example of a possible use case, for TypeScript development:

Plugin 'leafgarland/typescript-vim'
Plugin 'Quramy/tsuquyomi'

autocmd! FileType typescript call vivid#enable('typescript-vim', 'tsuquyomi')
autocmd! BufRead,BufNewFile *.ts setlocal filetype=typescript

Check Plugin Status

Sometimes it is useful to check whether a plugin has been enabled, but the problem is that not every plugin sets a g:loaded_plugin_name variable. Because of this Vivid provides a simple function to query the status of a plugin.

The function is vivid#enabled, and it takes only one argument, the name of the plugin to check the status of. This function returns a boolean result. 0: Disabled or not managed, and 1: Enabled.

Example use case of configuring the git commit window:

Plugin 'rhysd/committia.vim'

function! s:configure_committia() abort
    if vivid#enabled('committia.vim') &&
                \ expand('%:t') =~# '\m\C__committia_\(diff\|status\)__'
        setlocal nocursorline colorcolumn=

autocmd BufReadPre COMMIT_EDITMSG call vivid#enable('committia.vim')
autocmd FileType diff,gitcommit call <SID>configure_committia()

Cleaning Plugins

By making use of the PluginClean command (or vivid#clean function), it is possible to remove in use plugins and remove all of the unused plugins. from the plugin directory on yor system.

" Remove all unmanaged plugins

" Delete specific managed plugins
:PluginClean vim-fugitive committia.vim