=== Plugin Name === Contributors: lineshjose Author: Linesh Jose Author URI: http://lineshjose.com/ Plugin Name: Blue Admin Stable tag: 12.08.10 Version: 12.08.10 Requires at least: 3.2 Tested up to: 3.4.1 License: GPLv2 or later Plugin URI: http://tech.lineshjose.com/introducing-blue-admin/ Tags: Blue Admin,clearadmin,clear,admin,theme,admin theme,administration,WordPress administration,facebook style,facebook looks-like,blue,blue admin bar,custom menus,custom navigation,adminbar navigation,adminbar menus Donate link: http://bit.ly/donate-blue-admin This is a simple and clear admin design that makes your WordPress administration section more clear and relaxed. == Description == This is a simple and clear admin design that makes your **WordPress** administration section more clear and relaxed. Read more about **[Blue Admin](http://tech.lineshjose.com/introducing-blue-admin/)**. **Features** * Clean and clear admin design. * Custom navigation menus to your **WordPress Adminbar/Toolbar**.(only compatible for WordPress 3.3 or above versions) * RTL support for Arabic and other RTL languages. == Installation == 1. Upload Blue Admin folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory or download it from the administration 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Navigate in WordPress Admin Pages and see the new, clean design! **Note:** From version **12.07**, We have changed core settings. If you are using old Blue Admin plugin, please delete current version of Blue Admin from your WordPress plugin directory before installing/updating. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Does the plugin change WordPress layout? = Yes, this plugin will make these changes on your administration section. 1. It changes the CSS Style admin section, thickbox and login form. 2. It changes the themes listing style. 4. It changes the icons = Is the plugin compatible with all WP versions? = No, because WordPress could change after each update the admin style, and the plugin is based on it. So if you want to be sure to see the correct style of Blue Admin you need last WordPress version. == Screenshots == 1. Login Form. 2. Dashboard. 3. Toolbar Menu. 4. Admin Menu - Normal and Folded view. 5. Popup Window. 6. RTL site view. 7. Blue Admin Settings Page. == Changelog == = 12.08.10 = Fixed some coding and design bugs. = 12.08.09 = Fixed some security bugs. = 12.08.08 = 1. Added RTL support to this and older versions. 2. Added new Blue Admin settings page. 3. New Admin bar menu design 4. Custom navigation menus to your **WordPress Adminbar/Toolbar**.(only compatible for WordPress 3.3 or above versions) = 12.07 = We have changed core settings. If you are already installed Blue Admin plugin, please delete current version of Blue Admin from your WordPress plugin directory before installing/updating. = 12.06 = Fixed Admin menu scrolling issue. Changed client side admin bar style and Some other CSS modifications. = 12.05 = First version. *Our version numbering scheme is based on the release date. The version number comes from the year and month of the release.* == Support == For support & more information visit http://lineshjose.com/contact To contact the author the mail is lineshjose(@)gmail(.)com