
Realtime PHP monitoring system which aggregates and displays Pinba data.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Intaro Pinboard

Intaro Pinboard (Pinba Board) is a realtime PHP monitoring system which aggregates and displays Pinba data.

Intaro Pinboard

Developed on Silex framework and works with PHP 5.3.3 or later.


  1. Download application:

     $ git clone git://github.com/intaro/pinboard.git
     $ cd ./pinboard
     $ git checkout v1.2
  2. Download composer:

     $ curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
  3. Install dependency libraries throw composer:

     $ php composer.phar install
  4. Create config file and enter parameters of connection to Pinba database:

     $ cp config/parameters.yml.dist config/parameters.yml
     $ nano config/parameters.yml
  5. Initialize app (command will create additional tables and define crontab task):

     $ ./console migrations:migrate
     $ ./console register-crontab
  6. Point the document root of your webserver or virtual host to the web/ directory. Read more in Silex documentation. Example for nginx + php-fpm:

     server {
         listen 80;
         server_name pinboard.site.ru;
         root /var/www/pinboard/web;
         #site root is redirected to the app boot script
         location = / {
             try_files @site @site;
         #all other locations try other files first and go to our front controller if none of them exists
         location / {
             try_files $uri $uri/ @site;
         #return 404 for all php files as we do have a front controller
         location ~ \.php$ {
            return 404;
         location @site {
             fastcgi_pass unix:/tmp/php-fpm.sock;
             include fastcgi_params;
             fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root/index.php;
             fastcgi_param HTTPS $https if_not_empty;
         location ~ /\.(ht|svn|git) {
             deny  all;

More details in section Installation of the documentation.


Update from 0.1 to 1.0

Branch 1.0 brings migrations machinery which allows to update Pinboard easy when it requires database schema transformation.

Switch to branch 1.0

$ git fetch
$ git checkout v1.0

Update vendors

$ php composer.phar update

Register migration

$ ./console migrations:version --add 20131013132150

Update between 1.x versions

Switch to branch 1.x

$ git fetch
$ git checkout v1.x

Update vendors

$ php composer.phar update

Apply changes to database

$ ./console migrations:migrate

More Information

Documentation in Wiki.


Intaro Pinboard is licensed under the MIT license.