
Primary LanguageHTML


Setting up dev environment

  • pip3 install autoenv

  • Run in root directory of the project virtualenv --no-site-packages --distribute dawn-env

  • Change to the project root directory, the environment should automatically activate, with a "(dawn-env)" in front of the PS1.

  • python3 setup.py install will install the required packages.

  • Install postgresql and create a user. Start the postgres server.

  • Copy and rename examplesettings.py to settings.py and add the postgresql database uri and the secret key.

  • Run migrations to populate the postgresql database with python3 manage.py migrate.

  • To run the development server, run python manage.py runserver.

  • If using nginx, make sure to add the line rewrite ^/(.*)/$ /$1 permanent; to the config.


  • Whenever there is a change in example_settings.py, make sure to update your settings.py.

  • Use pip3 freeze > requirements.txt to maintain requirements.

  • Run python3 -m spacy download en to install spacy's English kit.