- Because its fun
- Helps learn programming deeply
- Asked in most of the interviews
- Platform to prove yourself
- Introduction to why algorithms are important and why they are important part of being a Computer Programmer
- Big-O, Big-theta, Big-Ohmega Notations this includes time complexity and space complexity and also way to avoid tle error in program
- Problem format
- Problem statement
- Input
- Output
- Estimating if a problem will run on our coding style
- Estimated complexity we require to build solution
- Simple Questions i.e. very easy from hackerearth, cakewalk or beginner from codechef and div2 A from codeforces
- Algorithm paradigms
- Brute force
- Divide and Conquer
- Greedy
- Dynamic Programming
- Data Structures and their algorithms
- Arrays
- Strings
- Basic String Searching
- Knuth Morris Pratt Algorithm
- Z-Algorithm*
- Manachar's Algorithm*
- Trees
- Traversal (DFS and BFS)
- Binary Seach Tree
- AVL and Red-Black tree
- Heaps
- Priority Queue
- Heap Sort
- Construction time of a heap
- Graphs
- Construction using adjacency list
- Traversal DFS
- Disjoint Set Unions
- Minimum Spanning Trees using Kruskal and Prims Algorithm
- Minimum Distance Algorithms using Floyd-Warshall, Bellman-Ford and Dijkstra
- Maximum Flow Algorithms*
- Topological Sort*
- Will See if more needs to be done
- Hashing
- What is hashing.
- Unneccessary theory but kinda important
- Segment Tree
- Basic
- Lazy propogation*
- Persistant*
- Fenwick Binary Tree
- Stack
- A simple introduction
- Few important stack questions
- Queue
- Will be done before BFS traversal
- Trie
- Mathematics
- Euclid's GCD -Mobius function
- Prime Numbers
- Sieve of Eratosthene
- Golbach Conjecture
- Will add on as I remember
- Standard Template Library for C++ coders
- Vectors
- Set
- Multiset
- Maps
- Unordered Maps
- Queue
- Priority Queue
- Stack
- Deque
- Important STL Functions
- Important Algorithms that needs to be covered as well
- Sorting
- Quick Sort
- Counting Sort
- Radix Sort
- Binary Search
- Linear Search
- Kardane's Algorithm -Greedy algorithm
- Sorting
* If class has reached level to study that topic.