Music Recommender Script Documentation


This script provides a simple music recommender system based on a set of 'liked' songs. The recommender uses the Spotify Web API to fetch audio features for both the 'liked' songs and a given playlist. It then calculates the similarity between the 'liked' songs and the songs in the playlist using cosine similarity and recommends the top N most similar songs.


Python 3.6 or higher
A Spotify Developer account with a registered application (Client ID and Client Secret)


Install the required packages using pip:

pip install spotipy pandas


Register your application on the Spotify Developer Dashboard to get your Client ID and Client Secret.
Set up environment variables for SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID and SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET with your actual Client ID and Client Secret.


Replace the placeholders song_id_1, song_id_2, song_id_3, and playlist_id in the script with actual Spotify song IDs (for the 'liked' songs) and a playlist ID containing songs to compare.

Set the number of recommended songs by changing the value of N.

Run the Python script:


The script will output the top N recommended songs based on the similarity to the 'liked' songs.


To use a different similarity metric, replace the cosine_similarity function with another similarity function from sklearn.metrics.pairwise (e.g., euclidean_distances or manhattan_distances).

To filter the recommended songs by additional criteria, modify the recommended_songs list comprehension. For example, you can filter by a specific genre, popularity threshold, or release year.

To further improve the recommender system, consider incorporating additional features such as song lyrics, genre information, or collaborative filtering based on user preferences.