
In this project am exploring and visualizing earnings of college students using python's library pandas, numpy and matplotlib.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Visualization of Students Earnings For Exploratory Analysis Using Pandas, Matplotlib

In this project am exploring and visualizing earnings of college students using python's library pandas, numpy and matplotlib. The dataset used in this project 'recent_grades.csv' which is provided by FiveThirtyEight.

Dataset description:

Each row represents different major with following attributes:

Rank - Rank by median earnings (the dataset is ordered by this column).
Major_code - Major code.
Major - Major description.
Major_category - Category of major.
Total - Total number of people with major.
Sample_size - Sample size (unweighted) of full-time.
Men - Male graduates.
Women - Female graduates.
ShareWomen - Women as share of total.
Employed - Number employed.
Median - Median salary of full-time, year-round workers.
Low_wage_jobs - Number in low-wage service jobs.
Full_time - Number employed 35 hours or more.
Part_time - Number employed less than 36 hours.