
Security tool that can get all security vulnerability/search for a specific bug also it can search for tools/scripts. you can use many exploit websites like (db-exploit.com ,packetstormsecurity.com,securityfocus.com )

Primary LanguagePython



Security tool that can get all security vulnerability,search for a specific bug and tools/scripts. you can use many websites like (db-exploit.com ,packetstormsecurity.com,securityfocus.com ).


Email Author Tool Name Tool Version
ayadi.mohamed@outlook.com Ayadi mohamed exploitBox 1.0

Tool purposes :

  • [1, Search for an exploit using a choosing server.]
  • [2, Search for an exploit using CVE code.]
  • [3, Search for a tool/backdoor/etc in packetstormsecurity.com server.]
WebSites Source support

Some Execution Exemples :

  • python exploitBox.py --exploit 4images --server db-exploit.com
  • python exploitBox.py --cve CVE-2018-20434
  • python exploitBox.py --tool r57shell


Install feedparser using PIP, to run pip do the following:

  1. Open the command line. You can do this by clicking start, then typing cmd in the run textbox.
  2. Make sure you are connected to the internet.
  3. Type in pip install feedparser and hit enter (and wait for pip to download and install FeedParser).

If attempting to use pip fails for some reason, try...

  1. Typing in C:\Python34\Scripts\pip install feedparser (or wherever you installed Python).
  2. Closing the command line, and re-opening it in admin mode (click start, type 'cmd', right-click, select "Run as Administrator"), if it's failing due to permission errors.