Primary LanguageHTML


This project represents a mini hospital information system (HIS). Though this website is only for cardiology department, but it can be extended by adding the other departments too.

Website Users

  • Admins
  • Doctors
  • Patients

How Does It Work

  • For Patients
    • They can sign up and create their own accounts.
    • They can book appointments with doctors.
    • They can send their feedbacks and inquirues through contact us forms and admins can respond to them right away.
    • They can edit their accounts anytime.
  • For Doctors
    • Doctors' accounts are added only by admins.
    • They can edit their accounts anytime.
    • Doctor appointments are synced with google calendar.
  • For Admins
    • They can add new doctors and patients.
    • They can view all acounts and edit or delete them.
    • They can view all appointments and edit them.
    • They can see a statistical analysis for all the appointments booked in the next month and past 3 months.
    • They can view all users questions, reply to them and solve their problems.

Developed By

  • Backend:
    • Flask microframework
    • MySQL (RDBMS)
  • Frontend:
    • Bootstrap framework

Used Packages

  • Mysql connector
  • Flask autoindex
  • Google aouth2
  • Google api for calendar sync

Submitted for:

SBE306A - Computer Systems (Database) Final Project
Third year systems and biomedical engineering - Fall 2020
