
A (naive) javascript Spaced-Repetition System (SRS) for flashcards-based learning

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

SRS System

A dependency-free javascript Spaced Repetition System (SRS).

See more about SRS on Wikipedia.

Often used for memorizing a new language's vocabulary, it's a learning system based on cards, where the ones that you fail to remember are asked more often than the ones you remember. Cards have 2 sides, usually the meaning (in your native tongue), and the word in the learned language on the other side.

It includes 3 classes:

  • Card which represents a "learnable item", which can be inherited to override validation.
  • Scheduler which manages when a card has to be reviewed.
  • Review which is a series of questions asking both sides of each card provided.

⚠️ this package is in alpha version - the API and classes are still being defined.


import { Schedule, Card, Review } from 'srs-system'

// Create the scheduler which determines when cards are ready to be reviewed
const scheduler = new Scheduler({
    computeStage: function(card) {
        let errorFactor = Math.ceil(card.wrongAnswersCount * 0.5)
        let stage = card.stage - errorFactor
        return stage

    stages: [{
        name: 'newbie',
        interval: 0 
    }, {
        name: 'advanced beginner',
        interval: 4 * 60 * 60 * 1000 // 4 hours
    }, {
        name: 'intermediate',
        interval: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 // 1 day
    }, {
        name: 'advanced',
        interval: 2 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 // 2 days
    }, {
        name: 'expert',
        interval: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 // 1 week

    // In real life, cards would be associated to a question and a set of answers
    cards: [
	    new Card('Bonjour', 'Hello'),
        new Card('Merci', ['Thanks', 'Thank you'])

// Create a review, a sequence of questions to check your knowledge
// Passing a wrong answer will push the card to the back of the review queue.
// Passing a correct answer will remove the card from the queue.
scheduler.cards.forEach(card => card.enable())
let review = new Review(scheduler)
let current = review.getNext()
while(current) {
    console.log(card.side) // Question to be answered
    review.answer(value) // 'bonjour'
    console.log(`Reviewed ${review.done} / ${review.length}`)
    current = review.getNext()
console.log('Review session completed!') // The review is over when all cards have been answered properly

// You can query the scheduler to know when cards are going to be reviewed
// Cards answered correctly will be reviewed later than the one answered wrongly
let timeline = scheduler.getTimeline()
// 2d array of cards ordered by day/hour as: [dayIndex][hourIndex]




  • new Scheduler(options)
    • options.computeStage(card) function used to return the new stage value for a card after its review. The stage indicates how that specific card is known - 1 is the lowest (not known)
    • cards: array of Card
    • intervals: ordered array of object with a .interval property defining the time before the next review for each stage, in milliseconds.


  • getCards() Return all cards ready for review right now
  • getTimeline(start = now, end = -1) Return a timeline (day/hour) of upcoming reviews between and timestamps, up to a week ahead.
  • update(card) update a given card interval, after its been answered
  • toJSON() Return a JSON representation of all the cards. Used for saving state into a DB or filesystem.
  • fromJSON(json) Import previously saved cards from JSON data. Used for restoring state from a DB or filesystem.


  • cards: array of Card classes


Represents a learnable item. It has 2 sides, a "frontSide" and "backSide" which are usually a question/answer couple.


  • new Card(frontSide, backSide)
    • frontSide a string or array of strings representing the value of the front side of the card
    • backSide a string or array of strings representing the value of the back side of the card


  • answer(true/false) Answer the card with correct (true) or incorrect (false) answer
  • checkAnswer(value, isFrontSide) Checks if the answer value is correct for that side of the card
  • reset() Reset all properties of this card
  • enable() Mark a card as enabled so that it will be processed. By default, card are disabled so that you can implement custom logic for unlocking new cards.
  • checkFrontSide(value) Logic for determining if an answer matches the card front side. Inherit the class to override.
  • checkBackSide(value) Logic for determining if an answer matches the card front side. Inherit the class to override.


  • stage (get/set) index of the current interval for this card
  • timestamp (get/set) next timestamp for the card to be reviewed
  • rightAnswersCount (get) The number of time the card has been answered correctly
  • wrongAnswersCount (get) The number of time the card has been answered wrongly
  • enabled (get) true if the card is enabled, false otherwise


A sequence of questions testing each side of the cards ready for review.


new Review(scheduler) - scheduler an instance of a Scheduler


  • getNext() returns the next question, if any. This is an object such as:
    	side: <values from card.frontSide or card.backSide>,
        isFrontSide: true/false,
        errored: false,
        card: <instance of Card>
  • answer(value) answer the current card (with Card.answer(value)), updates the review queue and internally call scheduler.update(card) if needed.


  • length the number of question in the review - by default, twice as much as available cards (1 question per card side).
  • done the number of questions successfully answered.


  • Make sure it's possible to implement supermemo & other popular algorithms
