Water Quality Portal OGC Proxy

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This is a Spring Boot project. All of the normal caveats relating to a Spring Boot application apply.


This application retrieves site data from the WQP-WQX-Services Station/search service in order to generate shapefiles. The shapefiles are then sent to a geoserver instance via the geoserver's REST API.

Environment Variables

This application has numerous environment variables to define the actual runtime environment. They can be defined in multiple locations depending on how you choose to run the application.

  • Docker Compose: The substitution variables in docker-compose.yml should be defined in a .env file located in the project's root directory. Example

WQP_GEOSERVER_HOST=<url of geoserver instance>
WQP_GEOSERVER_PASSWORD=<geoserver admin password>

WQP_LAYERBUILDER_URL=<url of Station/search service>

If the above definitions for SERVER_CONTEXT_PATH and SERVER_PORT are used with the docker-compose script, the application will be available at localhost:8080/ogcservices

  • Command line or IDE: Create an application.yml file located in the project's root directory containing the substituation variabels. Example:

WQP_GEOSERVER_HOST: <url of geoserver instance>
WQP_GEOSERVER_PASSWORD: <geoserver admin password>

WQP_LAYERBUILDER_URL: <url of Station/search service>

LAYERBUILDER_WORKING_DIR: </path/to/data/working>
LAYERBUILDER_SHAPEFILES_DIR: </path/to/data/shapefiles>