
Backprop with Low-Precision Activations

Primary LanguagePython

Backprop with Low-Precision Activations

This distribution provides a library implementing the approximate memory-efficient deep network training algorithm described in our paper:

Ayan Chakrabarti and Benjamin Moseley, "Backprop with Approximate Activations for Memory-efficient Network Training", NeurIPS 2019.

If you find our method or library useful in your research, please consider citing the above paper.


The library is implemented over Tensorflow, and you will need Tensorflow installed before using the library. You will also need to compile the quantization ops in blpa/ops/. Specifically, you need to compile quant.cc. and quant.cc.cu into a loadable library. A sample compilation script is provided as make.sh, which might work for you out of the box. If it doesn't, please look at the instructions at https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/extend/op.

Also note that the python code assumes that your library will be compiled as quant.so, which is the case on Linux systems. On other systems, the loadable library may have a different extension. If that is the case, please modify the sopath definition at the top of blpa/quant.py accordingly.


The blpa.graph and blpa.mgraph modules provide routines for defining and training Residual network models on a single, and multiple GPUs respectively. Broadly, network models are defined in terms of a sequence of layers, with specifications for non-linearities (pooling, ReLU, batch-norm, etc.) and residual connections to apply prior to each (i.e., to the layer's inputs). Note that the library only supports residual networks with a "width" of 2: i.e., there can be upto one outstanding residual connection at a time whose value is stored in a residual buffer. For each layer, you specify whether to add the contents of the buffer to the current layer's inputs, and/or to copy this input (after addition, and before or after the non-linearities) to the buffer.

Please see the sample model and training code in the cifar/ and imagenet/ directories for example usage. These also specify how to use the available simple data layer (cifar), or to specify custom data layers (imagenet) as Tensorflow graphs.

Contact ayan@wustl.edu with any questions.