
Fair decision making with unlabeled and labeled data

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

FairAll: Utilizing Unlabeled Data for Fair Decision Making

image saying no to man littering

This is the code repository for the ACM FAccT 2022 paper "Don't Throw it Away! The Utility of Unlabeled Data in Fair Decision Making" (arXiv). The implementation is based on Pytorch and Ignite. The repository contains the necessary resources to train the models and collect the metrics for evaluating the experiments in the paper, including the datasets.

Setup conda environment

We assume that conda is already installed. For the ease of setup, we provide a yml environment setup file.

a. Create conda environment

Give the following command to create the environment.

conda env create -f fairall_env.yml

This creates a conda environment named fairall.

b. Activate conda environment

To activate the created environment, use the following command.

conda activate fairall


The repository provides all the datasets that have been used for the experiments in the paper. These include:

The latter 3 datasets are real-world datasets that have been downloaded using AIF360. Please see the related licences. We also refer to the user agreement for MEPS. We have pre-processed the datasets for our compatibility and as described in our paper.

Read here for details on the key points regarding dataset formatting for compatibility.

How to run the code

The standard running format is:

python main.py --dataset_file {DATASET_PARAMS_FILE} --model_file {MODEL_PARAMS_FILE} --trainer_file {TRAINER_PARAMS_FILE}

Note that all params yaml files can be found in _params/ folder. New params files should also be created here, if necessary.

Optionally, you can give -r for results root directory, and -s for specific seed.

E.g., one instance to run FairAll (I+II) for synthetic data would be:

python main.py --dataset_file _params/dataset_SCB_11.yaml --model_file _params/model_fairall.yaml --trainer_file _params/trainer.yaml -r results/exper_SCB_11_fairall_12 -s 100

Note that just giving python main.py would just start executing FairAll (I+II) on synthetic data with some default parameter files provided.

You can check all the flags with:

python main.py --help

For the sake of completeness, here is the output of the argument --help:

usage: main.py [-h] [--dataset_file DATASET_FILE] [--model_file MODEL_FILE]
               [--trainer_file TRAINER_FILE] [-d KEY1=VAL1,KEY2=VAL2...]
               [-m KEY1=VAL1,KEY2=VAL2...] [-o KEY1=VAL1,KEY2=VAL2...]
               [-t KEY1=VAL1,KEY2=VAL2...] [-s SEED] [-r RESULT_DIR]

Authors: Ayan Majumdar, Miriam Rateike

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dataset_file DATASET_FILE
                        path to configuration file for the dataset
  --model_file MODEL_FILE
                        path to configuration file for the dataset
  --trainer_file TRAINER_FILE
                        path to configuration file for the training
  -d KEY1=VAL1,KEY2=VAL2..., --dataset_dict KEY1=VAL1,KEY2=VAL2...
                        manually define dataset configurations as string:
  -m KEY1=VAL1,KEY2=VAL2..., --model_dict KEY1=VAL1,KEY2=VAL2...
                        manually define model configurations as string:
  -o KEY1=VAL1,KEY2=VAL2..., --optim_dict KEY1=VAL1,KEY2=VAL2...
                        manually define optimizer configurations as string:
  -t KEY1=VAL1,KEY2=VAL2..., --trainer_dict KEY1=VAL1,KEY2=VAL2...
                        manually define trainer configurations as string:
  -s SEED, --seed SEED  set random seed
  -r RESULT_DIR, --result_dir RESULT_DIR
                        directory for storing results

Running on different available datasets

Each dataset has it's corresponding param yaml file in _params/, e.g., _params/dataset_SCB_11.yaml, _params/dataset_compas.yaml, _params/dataset_credit.yaml, _params/dataset_meps.yaml. To run on any of these datasets, simply pass the param file location with the --dataset_file flag.

Changing some of the parameters for training

How do we run the code by changing some of the parameter?

  • One option would be to change the parameter yaml files. Read Parameter Files below. Editing these files and running is one option.
  • Another option would be to pass changed parameters as arguments (using -m, -t, -d options).

One example of specifically using the flags to change some parameters could be:

python main.py --dataset_file _params/dataset_SCB_11.yaml --model_file _params/model_fairall.yaml --trainer_file _params/trainer.yaml -r results/exper_SCB_11_fairall_12 -m learn_policy=FZ+fz_method=CLF+costs=0.2 -d init_policy=RAN+percent=0.7

Here, we used:

  1. -m learn_policy=FZ+fz_method=CLF+costs=0.2 to change the model parameters for policy, method and cost of decision.
  2. -d init_policy=RAN+percent=0.7 to change initial policy to random and change the acceptance percentage for the random policy.

Note, how different parameters (for model and dataset) are separated with +. Read Parameter Files below for details about the different parameters available.

Examples of running different policy methods

We give some examples for running each of the different policy methods we report. Note, for these examples we use synthetic dataset (_params/dataset_SCB_11.yaml) and the provided _params/trainer.yaml.

VAE Phase I

Taking the optimal values from Table 6 from the Appendix of the paper for Synthetic data:

python main.py --dataset_file _params/dataset_SCB_11.yaml --model_file _params/model_fairall.yaml --trainer_file _params/trainer_phase1.yaml -r results -s 100 -o learning_rate=0.005 -m beta=0.8

Note, for optimal results, the saved checkpoint and hparams yaml files should be loaded directly for FairAll (I+II) learning. See below Loading phase 1 checkpoint directly for more details.

FairAll (I+II)

For training phases 1 and 2 together, we use with FZ-DEC policy.

python main.py --dataset_file _params/dataset_SCB_11.yaml --model_file _params/model_fairall.yaml --trainer_file _params/trainer.yaml -r results -s 100

FairAll (II)

We simply need phase 1 training off.

python main.py --dataset_file _params/dataset_SCB_11.yaml --model_file _params/model_fairall.yaml --trainer_file _params/trainer.yaml -r results -s 100 -t training=False

FairLab (I+II)

We need different loss, both phase training and FZ-LAB policy.

python main.py --dataset_file _params/dataset_SCB_11.yaml --model_file _params/model_fairlab.yaml --trainer_file _params/trainer.yaml -r results -s 100


Competing method based off Kilbertus et al. "Fair Decisions Despite Imperfect Predicitions". No phase 1 training, different loss function and policy.

python main.py --dataset_file _params/dataset_SCB_11.yaml --model_file _params/model_fairlog.yaml --trainer_file _params/trainer.yaml -r results -s 100 -t training=False


The unfair version of the competing method FairLog. Set lambda to 0 to have no fairness constraint and only optimize utility.

python main.py --dataset_file _params/dataset_SCB_11.yaml --model_file _params/model_fairlog.yaml --trainer_file _params/trainer.yaml -r results -s 100 -t training=False -m lambda=0

Note, depending on dataset and policy method, other hyperparameters (like model architecture, etc.) might need to be changed. Refer to Appendix of paper for details. These parameters can be accessed and modified. For more details about the different parameters, read below.

Parameter Files

Running the code first requires providing parameters for the 3 different components of our pipeline: dataset, model and the trainer. These should be configured in the _params/ folder.

Dataset parameters file

Each dataset should have its own parameter file in _params/{DATASET}.yaml. This file should have a particular format. For instance, for COMPAS dataset, _params/dataset_compas.yaml is as follows:

  name: compas
    std: True # Standardize data
    batch_size: 128
    init_policy: HARSH
    percent: 0.3 # percentage labeled datapoints, if initial policy RANdom
  • name should match the folder name for the dataset.
  • std: True indicates standardize the features of the data before learning.
  • batch_size indicates the batch size to use for training in phase 1.
  • init_policy is the π0 starting policy used in warmup. Our work uses HARSH, LENI. Can also be RAN (random).
  • percent is only used for random RAN policy to indicate the fraction of people to accept.

Any parameter in params2 can be changed using the arguments of main.py. Give -d option and separate each with +, e.g.:

-d init_policy=RAN+percent=0.7

Model parameters file

We provide parameter files for different models. The parameter files again follow a certain format. An example would be _params/model_fairall.yaml:

  name: adam
    learning_rate: 0.001

  name: sscvae
    L: 50 #samples of Z to evaluate ELBO
    K: 100 #samples for MC estimation of unsupervised KL
    latent_size: 2 #latent dimension of z
    h_dim_list_clf: [64, 64]
    h_dim_list_enc: [64, 64]
    h_dim_list_dec: [64, 64]
    act_name: relu #activation function
    drop_rate_clf: 0.1 #dropout rate
    conditional: True #conditional VAE
    alpha: 10 #factor for classifier loss
    lambda: #NA
    beta: 0.8 #annealing factor for KL
    costs: 0.5 #costs of positive decision
    learn_policy: FZ #'QXS', 'PZS', 'FZ', 'NA'
    fz_method: DEC #'CLF', 'DEC', 'LAB' (IPS)
    pol_sampler: LOG  # One of DET, LOG
    loss_function: loss_fairall
    model_type:  #leave empty for None, only relevant for niki (fair/unfairlog)
    phase1-ckpt: #leave empty for None or paste here model with the entire model path

The components are (note that components that are unused by specific models can be left empty):

  • optimizer with the name (we use adam) and with params as learning_rate (we use 0.001).
  • model that defines the core model components:
    • name: this is always sscvae as this is the backbone model object we use.
    • L,K: samples for evaluating ELBO and KL respectively. Not needed to change.
    • latent_size: VAE latent size. Change according to data.
    • h_dim_list_enc,h_dim_list_dec: hidden layer sizes as list for encoder and decoder. Used for fairall and fairlab.
    • h_dim_list_clf: hidden layer sizes as list for classifier. Used by fairall, fairlog (unfairlog).
    • act_name: activation used, we fix this to relu.
    • drop_rate_clf: the dropout rate p for torch Dropout. Only for classifier model.
    • conditional: set to True for fairall and fairlab. Not used by fairlog (unfairlog).
    • alpha: the weight to classifier loss. Used by fairall.
    • lambda: fairness constraint weight used for FairLog and UnfairLog. Set lambda: 0 for UnfairLog and lambda: {positive number} for FairLog.
    • beta: KL weight applied to ELBO loss. Used by fairall and fairlab.
    • costs: cost of positive decision in the policies and classifier. Depends on the dataset.
    • learn_policy: the policy to use for learning. Can be Classifier: QXS (fairall, fairlog, unfairlog), Decoder: PZS (fairall, fairlab) and Latent Z: FZ (fairall, fairlab).
      • For fairlog (unfairlog) we use QXS.
      • For fairall and fairlab we use FZ.
    • fz_method: (only fairall and fairlab) if using latent Z for policy. Can be CLF (label with classifier), DEC (label with decoder) and LAB (use only labeled data).
      • For fairall we use DEC.
      • For fairlab it is always LAB.
    • pol_sampler: the policy decision sampling method. Can be stochastic LOG or deterministic DET. We use LOG in our paper.
    • loss_function: the loss function to use. Can be for FairAll loss_fairall, for FairLab loss_fairlab and for FairLog and UnfairLog loss_fairlog.
      • Note that to differentiate FairLog and UnfairLog, we use the lambda parameter.
    • model_type: relevant for FairLog and UnfairLog. Can be nn or lr for neural network or logistic regression. We fix it to nn.
    • phase1-ckpt: only for fairall. If we want to directly load a ckpt file, give the full path to the ckpt file here.

Note that a lot of these parameter values would be set dependent on the dataset being used. Check the appendix for details.

Any parameter in optim can be changed using the arguments of main.py. Give -o option. Can only change learning_rate.

Any parameter in model can be changed using the arguments of main.py. Give -m option and separate different ones with +, e.g.:

-m learn_policy=FZ+fz_method=CLF+costs=0.2

Trainer parameters file

Finally, the training parameters are provided in the trainer.yaml file. We provide an example here for understanding the format.

root_dir: results # Root folder to save the model
  print_every: 1
  training: True #If True, train phase 1
  epochs: 1200 # Maximum number of epochs to train
  phase1_samples: #leave like this, we only used this for cross-validation
  training: True #If True, train phase 2
  only_warmup: False #If True, only do warmup phase (this is True only for cross validation)
  epochs_per_ts: 1 # Number of epochs per time step
  time_steps: 200 # Number of time steps
  samples_per_ts: 64 # Number of samples per time step
  warmup_ts: 50  # How many epochs to do warmup?
  warmup_samples: 128 # How many samples do we consider as applicants for warmup?

The following points are important to note:

  • For FairAll (I+II) set trainer1's training: True.
  • For FairAll (II) set trainer1's training: False.
  • For FairLab (I+II) set trainer1's training: True.
  • For FairLog and UnfairLog set trainer1's training: False.
  • For general training, always set trainer2's only_warmup: False.
  • root_dir: set the root directory for storing results, usually it would be, e.g., results/.

Output results

All results are output to a folder. This location is printed out to console at the end of training:

All results saved to: {save_directory}.

So, cd to this directory. This is where all output files can be found.

JSON files

All crucial results, especially those reported in the paper are dumped to JSON files. For FairAll (I+II), FairLab (I+II) we would have 6 JSON files, 3 for each phase (each reporting for training, validation and test data). For FairAll (II), FairLog, UnfairLog, we would have 3 JSON files (only for phase 2).

The files are named as output{phase}{data}.json. {phase} can be 1,w,2 for phase 1, warmup or 2 respectively. {data} can be train,valid,test respectively.

JSON Metrics Of Interest

The following metrics can be found in the JSON files under metrics key. Note that not all metrics will be present all the time. The presence of a metric depends on which model (and loss) we use and which data we use for training.

  • Data feature reconstruction: Real-valued features Rec_NRMSE_X{i}, Categorical features Rec_ERR_X{i}. These are only for FairAll, FairLab.
  • Utility reconstruction of decoder: Rec_ERR_U (only for FairAll, FairLab)
  • Classifier error for utility: Clf_ERR_U (only for FairAll, FairLog, UnfairLog)
  • Policy related: utility (Policy_utility), error (Policy_ERR)
  • Fairness related: demographic parity (DP_unfairness), counterfactual fairness (CF_unfairness, only for synthetic data)
  • Training effectiveness: accumulated utility Effective_util, accumulated DP unfairness Effective_DPU (only found in output{phase}train.json)

Additional measures for ground truth: For synthetic data, if we also have ground truth available, we additionally collect Policy_Gnd_utility, Policy_Gnd_ERR, Effective_util_gnd.

Other outputs

The other outputs of interest generated are as follows:

  • yaml files for params for training each phase as hparams_phase{phase}.yaml (1, 2, warmup)
  • 2-dimensional PCA images visualizing latent Z as latent_phase_{phase}.png (1, 2, w)
  • Images for original and reconstructed marginal feature distributions as marginal_phase_{phase}_{feature_dim}.png where phase (1, 2, w) and feature_dim (0, 1, ...)
  • Prediction error of S from Z as pred-s-from-z-err-ph-{phase}.txt (1, 2, w)
  • Prediction error of U from Z as pred-u-from-z-err-ph-{phase}.txt (1, 2, w)
  • Training times stored in time.json
  • Phase 1 checkpoint and Phase 2 checkpoint(s) as .pth files. Note to always use the latest checkpoint files (order by time).

Loading phase 1 checkpoint directly

One can load a pre-existing phase 1 model checkpoint for running subsequent phase 2 operations. One example situation could be running the code with only phase 1 training turned on. Use _params/trainer_phase1.yaml for running only phase 1 (change any parameters as desired, e.g., trainer1:epochs).

For loading phase 1 checkpoint, give the location of the .pth checkpoint file and the phase 1 hparams yaml file. Note these files would be inside the corresponding results directory as checkpoint_phase1_model_total_loss={...}.pth and hparams_phase1.yaml.

If desired, copy these files to other locations. To load the checkpoint related files, there are 2 options.

  1. Edit model_fairall.yaml or model_fairlab.yaml. Put the path locations of the .pth in model: params: phase1-ckpt. Also put the location of the hparams_phase1.yaml in model: params: phase1-hparams.
  2. Directly put this information in the console while executing code:
python main.py --dataset_file {DATASET PARAMS YAML} --model_file {MODEL PARAMS YAML} --trainer_file {TRAINER PARAMS YAML} -m phase1-ckpt={Location of checkpoint_phase1 pth file}+phase1-hparams={Location of hparams_phase1.yaml file}


For any queries, please contact ayanm{at}mpi-sws.org and mrateike{at}tue.mpg.de.

Cite Us

To cite this work, please cite the main paper

  title={Don’t Throw it Away! The Utility of Unlabeled Data in Fair Decision Making},
  author={Rateike, Miriam and Majumdar, Ayan and Mineeva, Olga and Gummadi, Krishna P and Valera, Isabel},
  booktitle={2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency},


The code in this repository for training VAE models on heterogeneous data is based on an older version of this repo. Thanks to Adrián Javaloy Bornás for sharing his code!