npm install
Database are deployed to AWS , no need to run any command to make it work on your side
==> Get all data/search
==> search by (common name , official name , cca2 , cca3 , ccn3)
/search?name={Replace what in the curly bracket with your input}
/search?cca2={Replace what in the curly bracket with your input}
/search?cca3={Replace what in the curly bracket with your input}
/search?ccn3={Replace what in the curly bracket with your input}
==> search by cca2 and get currencies name and currencies symbol 'i add the name i feel its more clear with the name'
/currencies?cca2={Replace what in the curly bracket with your input}
==> Group countries => region , language
/group?group={Replace what the curly bracket with your input}
to download a json file that contain the response from the origin API
connection details
Database Design
ex =>
select * from retrieved_from_third_party_api
INNER JOIN languages
ON retrieved_from_third_party_api.contry_id = languages.lan_id
INNER JOIN currencies
ON currencies.contry_id = languages.lan_id
Result of the query