
Simple Flutter lib to creating image with box shadow effect

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Simple Widget to create Image with Shadow in Flutter.


  • Able to adjust border radius size
  • Able to adjust blur radius size
  • Able to adjust scale of shadow
  • Able to adjust offset of shadow

Getting started

Add this line into your pubspec.yaml

  image_shadow: ^0.0.1

dont forget to refresh

$ flutter pub get


import 'package:image_shadow/image_shadow.dart';


  blurRadius: 6,
  borderRadius: 20,
  scale: 1,
  offset: Offset(5, 5),
  image: Image.asset(


Name Type Default Value Option
blurRadius double? 8.0 Nullable
borderRadius double? 0 Nullable
scale double? 1 Nullable
offset Offset? Offset(8.0, 8.0) Nullable
image Image - Mandatory

Additional information

Please feel free to open the issue on the github repo or contribute if you found some bug.