A sample app I use for playing around with rust microservices.
This micro service currently will accept the following calls:
- GET /book/{upmID} - Retrieve a book
- POST /book/ - Create a book example json: { "book_id": "2c8a4ac9-65f5-42a3-9387-019fad35490c", "author": "Ernest Hemmingway", "title": "For Whom the Bell Tolls" }
- Install Docker (http://docker.io)
- Install kubectl (https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/)
- Install HyperKit (https://github.com/moby/hyperkit)
- Install Minikube (https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube)
- minikube start --vm-driver hyperkit
- Install Helm (https://www.helm.sh/)
- Install Forge (https://forge.sh/)
- Install Redis
- execute helm install stable/redis > /tmp/install_notes.txt
- Configure Forge
- Configure forge. execute: forge setup
- Configure to point at our redis install. execute: scripts/gen_env.sh
- Deploy forge deploy kubectl get pods,services
- Create an initial entry: /scripts/post_book.sh
- Retrieve the initial entry: /scripts/get_book.sh
- Generates redis config for forge based on the current redis install: /scripts/gen_env.sh
- Tails logs: scripts/tail_book.sh