Quantum Information

Course at the University of Basel, given by James Wootton of IBM Research.

The course begins on 19th Feb 2019 and will have weekly lectures and exercises. If you are not able to attend the course in person, you can follow along with the materials below.

Course Content

Quantum information theory is the basis of multiple emerging technologies, such as quantum computation and quantum crypotography. It allows us to understand how quantum effects in physical systems may be harnessed for new forms of communication and information processing. The course will also feature some hands on experience with quantum technology, with excercises using Qiskit and IBM's 5 qubit quantum processor.

Course Text

The course will be based on educational materials created by IBM. In particular:



The original Jupyter notebooks for the exercises can be found in this repository. The web-hosted versions can be found below.

Solutions to some of the exercises from previous weeks can be found here. For implementations of algorithms, see here.


The exam will be 14:00 onwards on 28th May 2019 (or 16:00 onwards, for those who can't make the earlier time).