In order to generate binaries run "./install.sh" from root directory.
Current supported arguments are: TestDWC.exe <graph_file_name> <graph_file_type> <graph_file_name>: name of the graph file in ASCII <graph_file_type>: either adjlist or edgelist
More arguments to follow of course. For this version, there are a couple more arguments if you would like to change, you will have to edit TestDWC.cpp, but it's pretty straightforward:
Variable_name (Default value): explanation walksFile_name("walks.txt") : Name of the exported walks file fvFile_name("fv.txt") : Name of the end feature vector file walks_per_node_num (2) : Number of walks per vertix walk_length (10) : The length of a single walk feat_num (64) : Length of feature vector representing each vertix
(either adjlist or edgelist)
For faster runs on machines with more memory, you can increase cashe size in conf/graphchi.local.conf by changing the value of membudget_mb (800 is good enough for a 4 gb machine).
Run "make clean" in the root directory in order to remove all temporary files (essential in case you change membudget_mb).