
A toy language based on rewriting using code from Baader and Nipkow.

Primary LanguageStandard ML


tinyrw is a toy language for defining rewriting systems and executing them.


To build, you need the smlnj compiler. Given that you have it installed, run

sml -m main.cm

You may then run script/repl.sh to start a REPL which is currently the only way to use tinyrw.


Let us define basic natural number arithmetic to illustrate the usage. We first run ./script/repl.sh to get the repl started.

To define a new rule, we use the :rule command. There are two rewrite rules needed to define addition on natural numbers:

> :rule plus(z, Y) => Y
New rule: plus(z, Y@0)  --->  Y@0.
> :rule plus(s(X), Y) => s(plus(X, Y))
New rule: plus(s(X@1), Y@0)  --->  s(plus(X@1, Y@0)).

To keep rewriting a term until no further rules apply, we have a command :norm for normalizing terms.

> :norm plus(s(s(s(z))), s(s(s(z))))