Logo Project

Project Summary

This project demonstrates how to build, test, and deploy a basic React.js application using GitLab CI/CD, Docker, and Terraform.


The application is a simple "Hello, World!" app showcasing fundamental concepts of React.


The Dockerfile is used to build the Docker image of the application. It performs the following steps:

  • Creates a base image using node:18.
  • Installs the application's dependencies.
  • Copies the application's code.
  • Compiles or runs the application code.

GitLab CI/CD

GitLab CI/CD provides an automation system for building, testing, and deploying the application. It executes the following stages:

  • Build: Creates the Docker image of the application.
  • Test: Runs the application's tests.
  • Publish: Uploads the Docker image of the application to GitLab.


Terraform is used to automate the creation of AWS infrastructure, including:

  • VPC: Virtual Private Cloud where the application operates.
  • Security Groups: Controls access to the application.
  • ECS Fargate: Runs the application as a Fargate instance.
  • Load balancer: Distributes traffic to the application.

Technologies Used

  • React.js
  • Docker
  • GitLab CI/CD
  • Terraform

Pipeline Details

The pipeline includes the following stages:

  • Build:
    • Executes the Dockerfile for the application.
    • Creates the Docker image of the application.
  • Test:
    • Runs tests for the application.
  • Publish:
    • Uploads the Docker image of the application to GitLab.

Comments in Dockerfile

Comments in the Dockerfile explain why specific commands are used. For instance, the following comment clarifies why the node:18 image is used:

# Create a base image from node:18 FROM node:18

Comments in GitLab YAML

Comments in GitLab YAML explain the reasons for executing stages. For example:

# Create the Docker image of the application stage: build

Optional Components

The project may optionally include:

  • Automatic scaling in Fargate instances
  • Performance monitoring
  • AWS architecture diagram
  • Custom runner


This project demonstrates how to build, test, and deploy a basic React.js application using GitLab CI/CD, Docker, and Terraform.