
Bespoke CMS featuring user authentication, control panel, etc. Backend rests on PHP.

Primary LanguagePHP

Leave it as you found it :)


  • [DONE] Fix opening/closing sessions
  • [DONE] Fix the Members page design
  • [DONE] Add links to the About ATMAT links + corresponding pages
  • [DONE] Add links to the Members' Activities links
  • [DONE] Make About page and fix the top link
  • [DONE] Make Contact page and fix the top link
  • [DONE] Change Activities top link to Events and link it to the Events category on News page
  • [DONE] Textareas do not return line breaks
  • [DONE] Fix Youtube links - add a local bbcode for it like [youtube]
  • [DONE] Add news before launch


  • Fix the Footer admin page design
  • Make a carousel for Member's activities boxes to scroll for more than 3 boxes
  • Make a section under About ATMAT and above Members' Activities to display 3 latest news
  • News writing should enforce user's name as the author - news editing can change this (with a dropdown - select from all the people who have a right to write news)