TokensFarm Smart Contracts

Developer instructions

Instal dependencies

yarn install

Create .env file and make sure it's having following information:


Create developmentConfig.json file in developments folder and make sure it's having following information:

    network: {
        "stakingTokenAddress": Staking_Token_Address,
        "rewardTokenAddress": Reward_Token_Address,
        "startTime": Farm_Start_Time,
        "rewardTokenAmount": Reward_Token_Amount,
        "minTimeToStake": Min_Time_To_Stake (Days),
        "farmPeriod": Farm_Period (Days),
        "isEarlyWithdrawAllowed": true/false,
        "penaltyType": 0 - NO_PENALTY, 1 - BURN_REWARDS, 2 - REDISTRIBUTE_REWARDS,
        "congressAddress": Congress_Address

Compile code

  • npx hardhat clean (Clears the cache and deletes all artifacts)
  • npx hardhat compile (Compiles the entire project, building all artifacts)

Deploy code

  • npx hardhat node (Starts a JSON-RPC server on top of Hardhat Network)
  • npx hardhat run --network {network} scripts/{desired_deployment_script}

Flatten contracts

  • npx hardhat flatten (Flattens and prints contracts and their dependencies)

Deployed addresses and bytecodes

All deployed addresses and bytecodes can be found inside deployments/{branch-name}-addresses.json and deployments/{branch-name}-abis.json file.