
This repository showcases projects carried out in the "Computer Tools for Electrical Engineers" course, focusing on MATLAB and PSPICE applications in Electrical Engineering.

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT


Course Description

This course aims to introduce students to computer tools essential for electrical engineering, with a focus on MATLAB and PSPICE. The course is split into two sections, each of six weeks duration. The first half of the course deals with MATLAB, and the latter half deals with PSPICE.

Course Schedule

    1. Introduction to MATLAB
    2. Matlab Programming
    3. Input/Output and Data Structures
    4. Plotting
    5. GUIDE
    1. Introduction to SPICE and Getting Started
    2. Simple DC Circuits
    3. Other DC Analyses
    4. Operational Amplifiers
    5. Time Domain Analysis
    6. Frequency Domain Analysis

Course Projects

This section will display the projects that were done in this course, both in MATLAB and PSPICE:

  1. Project 1a - Circuit Simulator (MATLAB): This project implements a MATLAB-based circuit simulator capable of simulating circuits with Resistors, Independent voltage sources, and Independent current sources.
  2. Project 1b - GUI FOR CIRCUIT SIMULATOR (MATLAB): This project involves creating a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for a MATLAB-based circuit simulator.
  3. Project 2 - ANALOG COMPUTER (PSPICE): This project involves the design of an analog computer using PSPICE to solve a specific differential equation. An analog computer is a form of computer that leverages the continuously changeable aspects of physical phenomena to model the problem being solved. Electronic analog computers typically use OPAMPs, voltage sources, and oscilloscopes to solve differential equations modeling a physical system.