Easychimp makes integrating a PHP/Laravel app with Mailchimp's API (version 3) dead simple. Functionality is currently limited to managing subscriptions on a list because that's what I needed for a project. I'd welcome pull requests that add additional functionality.
$easychimp = new Easychimp\Easychimp($apiKey);
$easychimp->validateKey(); // throws InvalidApiKey
$list = $easychimp->mailingList($listId);
$list->exists(); // boolean
$list->isSubscribed($$email); // boolean
$list->subscribe($email, $firstName = null, $lastName = null, ...); // boolean
$list->unsubscribe($email); // boolean
$list->subscriberInfo($email); // []
$list->updateSubscriber($email, $firstName = null, $lastName = null, ...); // boolean
// Interests are labeled as "Groups" in the Mailchimp UI
$list->interestCategories(); // []
$list->interests($interestCategoryId); // []
composer require bkuhl/easychimp:~0.3
You can register the service provider in config/app.php
'providers' => [
To use the facade, add the following to config/app.php
'aliases' => [
'Easychimp' => Easychimp\MailchimpFacade::class,
environmental variable. Get your API key here.